What does this infinite trigonometric identity have to do with probability?
Recently I came across this surprising trigonometric identity…
Recently I came across this surprising trigonometric identity…
A lot of times, math can be deceptive and unexpected A few examples are the Monty Hall problem, the Banach-Tarski paradox, and the Weierstrass function. Today we will look at one of the most famous and classic counterexamples, that is that if a sequence converges to zero, it’s series does not necessarily converge. What does … Read more
Be prepared, for you are about to see some of the scariest functions this Halloween. The excerpt is like this to not spoil what’s within!
Let’s look at a very common problem where the use of math is needed, solving equations. We have an expression using some variable x on one side of the ‘=’ sign and another expression using x on the other. We want to find for which values of x the equation holds.